I decided id go out, And cut the remainder of my sub hole's out, When i got a tad bit carried away. Next thing you know i got a circular saw in my hand. And am ripping upo the 4x8 sheet.
2 hours ago, I started on this:
I already had it drawn out on the board, But i cut, Clamped, Predrilled, unclamped, Glued, Reclamped, Screwed it all together in a lil over 2 hours. Seem's came out nice, However ill be sanding about a 1/16" off of one side. Dunno if it was my measuring, or cut, But theres one corner that sticks out past square. Shouldnt be too hard to get sanded down.
As far as stacking the amp's, Im real concerned about the heat. Not to mention i like my stuff Symetrical, So i think im gonna go with one on each side.. Depending on what kinda room i can muster up. Either way, The box MUST be in the middle, Due to the trunk hinge lumps in the trunk lid.
Comparing the size of this box [2cuft^3 per chamber], There is NO WAY the last box was anywhere near the 2.5-3cuft^3 the shop told me it was. I feel Jipped, But the box is long gone, As well as subs, So no complaints here.