My car has been legally stolen

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Good luck ,yea i have heard od mechanics and body men putting liens on cars,my cus had a grand national he got that way because the guy never paid him for the.engine rebuild and new turbo,so i know it happens but it still sucks .i never leave my car for any reason with anyone to repair or otherwise,
Thanks for all the input yall. I stepped away from the situation for a few days to calm down, i've had allot on my plate latley and i'm edgy. I got my head together and went at this the right way. I got back in touch with the guy and told him outright that i've got a lawyer, i bluffed, and will persue him with legal action if he doesn't straighten out his financial records.

He called me back and apologized, i owe him 500$. I know for a FACT i don't owe him a damn dime, but i can swallow 500$ to get my car back, so it's a done deal. I'll have the car by the end of this month case closed.

Bill, i am reported him to the BBB, i know one claim doesn't ever do much but i just have a feeling i'm not the only guy going to the BBB about this "establishment".

And sorry for the language yall, i'm not a hot head or a loose cannon just stressed out.
CamaroAdam73 said:
He called me back and apologized, i owe him 500$. I know for a FACT i don't owe him a damn dime, but i can swallow 500$ to get my car back, so it's a done deal. I'll have the car by the end of this month case closed.

If in his mind he didn't do anything wrong, then what did he apologize to you about? What is he claiming the $500 you supposedly owe him is for? What did he say when you told him the parts he powdercoated were junk?

I would call an actual lawyer ( even though they're all scum sucking crooks ) and maybe you can really have one of these crooks on your side. One phone call from a lawyer can have a profound effect on ones actions. A friend of mine was getting jacked around big time by a body shop. He threated to get his lawyer involved and they didn't really think he was going to so told him 'go for it'. Once his lawyer actually contacted the body shop, my friend made out like a bandit!
Hope you get it back the same way you gave it to him,sound tike the kinda guy that would be on my lifetime sh*t list,jb weld in his locks,aircraft striper on all his cars ,roofing nails in jis parking lot,put signs up and list his store on your local cl and a beware,any and anything i could do to make his life hell ,just saying id never do that stuff rolf.
I think it's actually fortunate that he still has your car. I have processed liens for repairs and storage after the car has been left at a shop for 3 or 4 months, not 6 years. The storage fees can add up quickly, I place the per diem rate at $15 to $25 and there does not have to be any agreement for storages fees, it just has to be a reasonable daily amount. He could have also tried to claim the car as abandoned.
Grandprixpaul said:
Hope you get it back the same way you gave it to him,sound tike the kinda guy that would be on my lifetime sh*t list,jb weld in his locks,aircraft striper on all his cars ,roofing nails in jis parking lot,put signs up and list his store on your local cl and a beware,any and anything i could do to make his life hell ,just saying id never do that stuff rolf.

Never never do anything like that.
Two main reasons;
#1, you are coming down to their level and may be starting a war.

#2, YOU will commiting criminal action.

It's hard to say "I got turned over, lesson learned" and walk away and forget it, in fact it takes a level headed adult to achieve this.

rustyroger said:
It's hard to say "I got turned over, lesson learned" and walk away and forget it, in fact it takes a level headed adult to achieve this.

Level headed? IMO, p*ssy is more like it. When you let yourself be taken advantage of my someone and allow them to get away with screwing you over without so much as nasty word in their direction, you send a message. You're showing these crooks that you're willing to just bend over and take whatever crap is dished which then just gives the crooks more incentive to keep on doing it.

When you're a kid and a bully picks on you, you're told to defend yourself. When you're an adult and a 'bully' picks on you, you're told to be 'mature' and just let it happen. Sounds a bit hypocritical if you ask me.

With all that being said, I'm certainly not saying CA73 should do the things Grandprixpaul said. I'm just saying you shouldn't just do nothing.
DoubleV said:
rustyroger said:
It's hard to say "I got turned over, lesson learned" and walk away and forget it, in fact it takes a level headed adult to achieve this.

Level headed? IMO, p*ssy is more like it. When you let yourself be taken advantage of my someone and allow them to get away with screwing you over without so much as nasty word in their direction, you send a message. You're showing these crooks that you're willing to just bend over and take whatever crap is dished which then just gives the crooks more incentive to keep on doing it.

When you're a kid and a bully picks on you, you're told to defend yourself. When you're an adult and a 'bully' picks on you, you're told to be 'mature' and just let it happen. Sounds a bit hypocritical if you ask me.

With all that being said, I'm certainly not saying CA73 should do the things Grandprixpaul said. I'm just saying you shouldn't just do nothing.

I agree with Rusty, it takes more courage to walk away than react to what someone else did...why let your mind be controlled by revenge..

sounds like cooling off for a couple days helped out... going in ready to whoop his *ss may have ended up with him legally taking action to keep the car(shop lein, just to be an a-hole) and you with an extended stay as guest of the state... like what was said, I'm glad you didn't sink to the scumbag's level. Reporting him to the BBB if he's an established buisness is a great place to start. throwing nails in his parking lot and slapping bad posts on the local CL can create a fine line between being pissed off and criminal mischeif/libel. you're taking the high road, and now that the BBB is into it, maybe more victims the slimeball has ripped off will step up to report him as well and run him out of buisness.
imo posting on cl and other classified isnt a bad idea but stick to straight forward facts piad for undercoat didnt get it the issues with powder coating any issues with the work that was or wasnt done while car was there ect. and post as warning not this guys is scam artist ect
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