Anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon is going to be a good place to steer clear of for the next few days. Between SNOW Storms east of the Miss and Biblical Grade Fires out in Calif, the whole idea of going south for the winter isn't so attractive as it once was. The irony here? Los Angeles is burning, they are running low of water for the fire hydrants, and the North Cal up around Big? has just received a major snow fall. Wonder what it would take to shovel up all that snow and ship it south? Apparently the humidity is so dry that it is below 5%; Mojave grade parched.
And just as a side bar, up here it has been announced on the news that Q-bec is sending a flight of water bombers down to LA to engage in water bombing exercises on the afflicted areas. There used to be two heavy lift Martin bombers that could do that but they have both been pulled from service due to age and the company that owned them has not come up with a suitable replacement in terms of volumetric capacity as yet.