I am Pro Life, and feel it in no way limits a woman's choices. She can choose not to have sex, or to use birth control and make the guy wear a condom too for good measure. I have chosen not to have sex outside of marriage because I actually do practice what I preach. If more people did this, there would be less chaos in the world because people would have to take the time to consider the person's other attributes rather than if they are just a good lay. Maybe if people would take the time to develop a personal relationship first, we would not have all the broken homes we do now. Then marriage would not be just a mere formality you do after living together for a while. It would have substance instead and mean something to those investing their lives into the marriage contract.
Oh, and BTW, the argument about abortion has nothing to do with lifestyle choices, it has to do with when life begins. Unless you resolve THAT issue, the rest is irrelevant. If life begins at conception, killing that life is murder. THAT is why I am Pro Life, not because I want to control people.
As for gay marriage, I have less of a problem with that than I do with Abortion. I still don't like it, but it's not my job to make everyone think as I do except in life and death cases like abortion.
Control comes in many forms, like not allowing someone to use the money they earned in legal enterprise as they see fit. Every time a government agency takes over some responsibility for it's citizens, their ability to control that aspect of their lives is partially or wholly taken away. Also, remember that the rich and corporations do not pay taxes, the people who buy from them or work under them pay their taxes for them since these costs are passed on as part of the prices of goods and services. If you raise the minimum wage, the companies with minimum wage employees have to come up with the money somehow, so they raise prices and deflate the value of the currency. Now everyone has less real money to spend. Then, in order to compensate for this, employers must give raises to their non minimum wage employees and those on the bottom are no better off that when they started. On paper, this makes Democrats look "Compassionate", when the reality is that the plight of those at the bottom has not changed one bit. The real problem with poverty, as I have stated before, is the poverty mentality which afflicts those who live on the bottom. They give up and consign themselves to a life of poverty rather than trying to change things. THAT is what needs to be fixed if we are ever to truly elevate the poor. Throwing them the table scraps of those better off than they are does nothing but prolong their misery.