New GM Logo!

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Kinda reminds me of this logo for some reason....

Obviously, kids today think Capital letters are yelling and get triggered by them.

We had a Female Engineer at our company 15 years ago and I made the bold statement to her that any male over 25 could name 5 GM divisions without even thinking about it and No female could name 3 without saying a wrong one.

She took the Challenge and "Chrysler" was the second car division she named. We gave her the list and she asked 4 other females and they only made it to 2 before naming something not on the list.

Part 2 of the challenge was for her to pick who she thought was the dumbest male in the shop and ask him to Name 5 GM Divisions. He rattles off "Chevy, Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Hummer..." and she got the idea.

More than likely, this new logo was the product of a female.
Trying to put a positive on a unpolishable flaming turd, atleast that kindergarten art project is not realated to our "quality" GM products. But I think Mary Barra should wrap herself in that logo as GM goes down like the Titantic.
I'd Bet $100 that when Mary Barra was is College, she couldn't name 5 division of GM without saying a car maker that wasn't a GM division.

The Big 2 are too big to fail, now. The slightest bobble and they will bailed out with taxpayer money. They can do all sorts of forehead slappingly stupid stuff Like try to make SUV's look like Camaros/Mustangs "because Branding" and to appeal to "car guy influencers" Who non-car people ask for opinions on cars.

Any "Car guy influencer" would tell their non car people friend to buy something that looks good, is reliable, has comfortable seats and drives well and to not buy something that is trying too hard to look like something it isn't. Like a SUV with Camaro style Grille/Tail Lights.

Chrysler may be allowed to fail because it is foreign owned,.. so a Chinese company can buy into it.
Per GM, the lighter blue -- as compared to the old logo -- is to convey the "cleaner blue skies that will come from EVs"

What drivel. In my view, if the meaning of a painting has to be explained by the artist -- and/or the small card next to it in the museum -- then it's a crappy painting. Somebody wanted to change the logo to leave their imprint on the company so they convinced Barra it was worth the money to do so (why else do you change an insignificant part of the business that's been around for 60+ years?) but as GM logos don't prominently appear on the vehicles I would be interested in the justification used to budget changing signs & letterhead ... or does this mean the divisions are going to be slowly phased-out?

It looks like a poorly designed App for an iPhone 8. Did we learn nothing from New Coke!!

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