UPDATE. I'm somewhat ashamed that i forgot about this forum and have not posted since. Sold my drag radial project for other, more important, priorities last year..BUT!!! ..I am in the process of trying to purchase a malibu or regal ...the motor in the black car is no more. #2 piston decided it had other things to do so the car had set on jack stands for 2 years. In March or so, My Dad and I started talking about getting it back on the road and were going through ideas about what to do. We had on old 350DX block but were just not wanting to spend that kind of money "again". So, around august we finally decided on what to do and a few weeks later a GM performance ZZ427 arrived at out door. It has been been a wild roller coaster since neither of us had ever dealt with a swap of this magnitude. EVERYTHING, has either had to be sent back for a correct part, company mess up, or modification-(which is expected), but we are almost there...motor is in the car, most everything is wired up and plumbed, just a few minor things left but the time bandit has been against us, which is fine because we can take our time.