For what it's worth, I've got a mixed bag on advice for you here...
1) welcome aboard, and, thanks for not instantly jumping to trying to use the site to monetize your content.
2) the board is a great source of info and help on your project along the way. HOWEVER. Given past evidence and some other members who were doing youtube builds.... if you put teaser posts and a link to try making people watch the videos to see what you did, and how you did it, you're going to not only get a slow stream of viewers but your questions will begin to get unanswered by a good number of folks here as well. It's happened.
The board isn't like a facepage chat site. It exists to show people work being done, step by step in a written format hosted here, not in a video elsewhere, and, have a base of content that is viewed here, searchable, and read with pics attached without watching 20 minutes of video opinions and such mixed in.
Just a heads up.
Guys who use it as a gateway to showcase their video content haven't fared as well as they hoped. In fact, threads that went 'car ran rough, watch my video to see what I did to fix it' failed miserably and became.... unpleasant.
Not to say some videos aren't shared occasionally... just that it isn't the focus here, as you'll see if you browse around for a while. That lack isnt because it's an untapped market, it's because it's not what the forum is meant for.
Hope that helps you develop your plans and goals here a bit