"But when car is warmed up and I stop at a red light the car sounds like it wants to die I have to tap the gas a little it shakes a little like it’s going to stall."
This particular condition sounds like your regal is suffering from dead Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid syndrome. When I bought my 85 4-4-2 in October 1999, the car ran very well on the test drive, and didn't exhibit this issue. After purchase, when driving the car at least 30 minutes so the drivetrain including transmission was fully warmed, then I would experience the near-stalling when coming to a stop, followed by a slight clunk and a boost to the engine speed. I researched on the web and found a post about a similar condition, and I replaced the dead solenoid with a (then) $40 replacement from NAPA and have never had another issue with it. I've since put another 60,000 miles on the car. The same part failed on my one-owner 88 Cutlass Supreme Classic (may it rest in pieces) when it had 160,000 miles on it, and the same part replacement lasted fully through another 120,500 miles before I parted it out.
Good luck with your new G-body!