New World Order?

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Master Mechanic
Mar 20, 2008
Wow, is this serious?

Post at another board

This youtube vid kinda sums it up.

You Tube Vid

I think the school system is failing and really is just a big day care center. Sadly unless there are more that feel this way and are up to do something about it nothing is going to change.
Every day I cannot help but be amazed at the overall level of ignorance that is displayed by what seems like a majority of the population. In some ways, I can't help but think of the way the economy is being dealt with as similar to the novel "A Brave New World". In it, consumerism is a great virtue as is sex with whoever you want with no consequences. As for Mr. Kissinger's comments, it could have been a slip of the tongue, or it could have been something more than that- I don't know. The world is changing now, and the world we are used to is going away, there is no avoiding that. If more people paid attention, maybe we could, but they are too obsessed with their own lusts to care about the future. Global Warming will be fixed weather it is real or not. Government will not let an opportunity to grab power pass it by no matter how sketchy the actual facts may be. Most people do not look beyond the evening news (if they watch the news at all) on these things, so they believe the propaganda. The far left media is in control of what people think and hear. After all, the Proles are fairly easy to control through emotion, circus, wine and song. History proves that. (Look at Rome, Nazi Germany, etc.) So, those of us who think and pay attention are left scratching our heads as to why our world is being taken over by idiots and smooth talkers.
Kissingers tongue does not slip, it may fork, but it does not slip. He's mentioned a New World Order being implemented more times than I can count, and makes no bones about it.

People can try to deny the push for a one world government as conspiracy all day, but it's an agenda and its a very real one that's been in the works for God knows how long. No one can deny the existence of the PNAC, The Tri-Lateral Commission, CFR and the Bilderberg meetings. All of which are comprised of International Bankers/Globalists, etc. The obvious endgame is to dominate the political system of each country by controlling the economy of the world.

Here's a crash course of info on the NWO:

Texas T, the vid in the last link has been removed.. what was it?
We are all doomed one way or another anyhow. Death will one day consume the meager trivialities of our collective existences, rendering our lives irrelevant. Death, after all, is the great equalizer as both the rich and the poor, the powerful and powerless must all one day face it. At that point, nothing we have will matter. Existence, at least on this corporeal plane, will cease.

Do I believe in a global conspiracy? Not 100%, but I will admit to the possibility of it's existence. However, I no longer care for the reason stated above. Eventually, it just won't really matter now will it?
Well, you know what they say... Death and Taxes.

History shows us that tyranny has a way of creeping up on a sovereign nation real fast. And as its happening now, there are 2 kinds of people, those who accept it and those who oppose it. Plus, I have kids that will inherit this place so I'll do everything in my power to fight it. And that includes trying to wake up a few sheep here and there. :wink:
Tony_SS said:
Texas T, the vid in the last link has been removed.. what was it?

It was a teen asking some tough questions and giving his opinions of the answers about why his school and its choice of text books was poor. Pretty good stuff to bad it was removed.
I remember in the 70's talk about these secrete groups working to bring about a one world government. I believe it now and feel that many things happening now are an effort to bring America to it's knees. That must happen to bring about this NWO.

Bottom line is it is foretold in the Bible and the leader of this new one world government will be the anti christ.
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