New World Order?

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Tony_SS said:
jonnyslick said:
Anyone heard of the American Resistance Movement?

They are suspect.. I'm sure they are tracked and planted with CIA like any other organization that might be prone to violence.

The best method of resistance is a peaceful one to spread information and act within the law.

I tend to agree. It is best to fly beneath the radar and not get involved with any groups that you can be linked back to. Own some guns (that are not registered!) and wait to see how bad it gets. If it goes way too far there will be a large popular resistance movement that you can join at that time. You are of no use if you can be neutralized long before that time. A few individuals playing games in the forest will not change anything, especially when the tyranny is light and most people can tolerate it. There is no support for any of this kooky militia type crap among more than a single digit percentage of the American populace right now, so getting involved is foolhardy. Now is NOT the time for armed revolution, now IS the time for working within the political process and speaking out against injustice. That can be done without violence or destruction. There is still hope that the country can be restored by non-violent means, and non-violence is always preferable to death and destruction if both can achieve the same goals.


G-Body Guru
Jun 2, 2008
Crossville, TN
^ Awesomely put.

Yeah, I the reason I brought the A.R.M. up was when I watched that youtube link listed above, there was a video on the side for them. I'd never even heard about them before, but in all honesty their video was fairly ... sad ....

Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
One of the things you have to look at is the geographical disparity between the two political parties. If you go county by county, the overall tendency of those in urban areas is to go with a larger government solution. Those in more rural areas tend to be more self-reliant, and thus more conservative in their voting tendencies. The problem is, that people from one reality rarely try to understand those from the other. Guns are a great case-in-point. In a rural setting with a small police presence, you need a gun to defend yourself and your property more than you would in a heavily policed, heavily populated area. If you live on a farm, it could take 30 minutes to an hour for a cop to get to your home, during which time you are on your own. The city is a little different just due to the socio-economic forces in play amongst a divergent population living in close quarters. Additionally, city dwellers are used to large amounts of government services that are not needed in the rural areas. So, those in the cities fail to see the rural necessity for self sufficiency, and will vote to limit the rights of the whole country rather than just their geographically small world (in relation to total land area of the nation).

I tend to want to err on the side of freedom. I want the law to protect me from violence or theft, but little else. I don't want my car inspected, excessive building codes (not all, but the silly ones), etc. I want laws against DUI's or shoddy home builders, but not laws stating what kind of car I can drive or park in my driveway. I don't like drugs or want to do them, but I have no issue with legalizing pot for adults over 21, etc. I also do not want the government involved in my health care, even though I have chronic health issues and can't afford sufficient insurance. It's my problem, not the governments.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
The government that governs the least, governs the best.

And about being armed in the city, it's more of a must to be armed where there is more crime. Some crook will think twice about breaking into an apt or house if the owner might be locked and loaded.

I live in the suburbs and that's the reason I'm armed, for home defense. Plus if the whole economy crashes I'll be able to defend my family and goods against any unruly mobs in the streets.. worst case scenario.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Tony_SS said:
The government that governs the least, governs the best.

And about being armed in the city, it's more of a must to be armed where there is more crime. Some crook will think twice about breaking into an apt or house if the owner might be locked and loaded.

I live in the suburbs and that's the reason I'm armed, for home defense. Plus if the whole economy crashes I'll be able to defend my family and goods against any unruly mobs in the streets.. worst case scenario.

Well, I was talking about the mindset of the proletariat, not thinking people. I agree with arming yourself wherever you live, although I myself have chosen not to at this time. I think it is wise right now to own one or more guns, given the outside possibility that we will see a complete breakdown of order in society if/when we hit hyperinflation in the next year or two. The graph of how much money is in circulation that I saw on Glenn Beck's site was disturbing as it showed about a 50% increase in 2008 alone. It's amazing to me that the instability I predicted in a High School Economics class back in 1992 due to the end of the Soviet Union has more or less come true. It's also pathetic that I graduated HS with a 1.86 GPA.


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
I have no regrets about buying my shotgun and have ended up using it alot so far, just for fun though. You can still get one for pretty cheap and ammo is abundant. My next move will be a 9mm Rueger. I fired by friends and it has a nice feel to it vs any other handguns I've tried. But given the fact that Obama, Rahm and Holder make no bones about gun restriction its now or possibly never.

I saw a video the other day of Rahm telling us that if you're on the no-fly list, you can't own a hand gun. What are there, like 100,000 people on that list? That's some messed up sh*t!

Here's the SOB saying that.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
For me, not having a gun is a matter of economics and knowing myself. I am afraid I would use it on myself when I am in deep depression, and I also can't afford to buy one right now. My income has dropped substantially in just the last month, so I can't really buy much right now. If it gets much worse, I will be living on a steady diet of left over pizza, hot dogs and ramen.

As for me, if I ever do buy a gun, I want an AK-47. Pre-ban preferably, but making the part to convert one back does not look that hard to do. From the looks of it, it would be doable with not much more than an angle grinder and a sawzall. After all, these guns are made by hand in tents in places like Afghanistan with little more than simple hand tools and no electricity. How hard could it be with my arsenal of power tools and... umm... tape measure?
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