78-year-old Miss Daisy went driving last week. She pulled out of a local garage on four brand-new tires. Made it about 400 yards and 'hit a curb'. Heard about it while I was over at the body shop. To be fair, the town was repaving the street between the garage and grocery store. So she might have gotten a little overwhelmed, navigating all the cones.
Then I got out to parking lot, and noticed that my flatbed had a new angle to the right-hand ramp. And there were red paint chips on the ground. What happened here?
Then I found the car, parked a few spaces away from my poor trailer. It turned out to be the 'curb', er, can opener.
I called the non-emergency line to have an officer write up a police report. I was not cited in any way, even though my trailer did overhang the ends of the paint stripes a bit. I feel kinda bad she mangled her car, but as I walked around it, it had more than one other battle scar. Turns out the husband has been trying to get her to stop driving for about 2 years.
I told the officer the story, and he checked it out at the garage. Poor lady got a visit at home including a stiff yelling at for leaving the scene of an accident. She may not have even known that it was another vehicle that she hit. What I can't figure out is how she did not cream the red truck parked next to me. It belongs to the body shop lead painter...
The good news is that the trailer seems to have won this dogfight. Now the fun part is grinding the welds off the deck plate, replacing the slides and rebuilding the ramp. I wonder if I will see a dime from her insurance. Since I do all my own welding, I have to start brainstorming where I obtain a quote for the claim for this kind of repair.