megaladon6 said:
i'd say it's one of 2 problems. 1)the TCC solenoid is bad or 2)you have a pressure problem
it's my understanding that to get to the solenoid you have to remove the trans. my recommendatio: KISS--get a 200r4 with TV cable and bracket, crossmember and driveshaft. this will give you overdrive, lockup and better MPG. and on the -r4's you can get to the lockup solenoid from underneath.
You could change the transmission as Megaladon says above but at a large cost, and you will have to change out the transmission cross member also.
On a lot of these vehicles it is almost always the TCC solenoid, which as stated above means taking the transmission completely out to change it (on the 200) and at that point you might as well rebuild.
You could wire in an On/off switch from the wires on the brake light switch underneath, pretty easy to do (if you have CCC type), you just need to find the correct wires to splice in an On/Off switch.
Although you say yours doesn't disengage, Hmmm, if you have the 4 wire brake switch than that usually means you have CCC (I am not 100% on that) and when you hit the brakes, it absolutely should disengage the lockup, so something is not working there, depending on if you have the vaccume kind or the CCC with the TC solenoid, something is not disengaging when you hit the brakes. I suggest you get the correct year GM manual for more info. You need to find out definitively what you have, vaccume or CCC style.
Do you have the wires unplugged from the transmission? If they are still plugged in, something is not causing the brakes to pull it out of lock up.
Many people I have talked to say leave it unplugged, and it should be fine. I had the switch wired in on one of my old cars that I would turn it back on only when on the higway or for long trips above 40 MPH, with good results.