If anything, the second amendment needs to become more liberalized in it's interpretation to get more guns on the streets. I want my government to cower in fear at the possibility of a pissed off populace rising up against them should they become to tyrannical. This is not to say I am proposing armed revolution here, things are nowhere near that bad. I just want lawmakers to think more fearfully about the negative consequences of adding too many restrictions to individual liberty, like higher taxes and new government agencies. The right to bear arms is the ultimate check on governmental authority. That being said, I do not own, nor do I wish to own a gun of any kind ( except maybe an AK-47. I really want to take one apart and see how it works!). I have no need of one, but I want the option to be there should I ever change my mind.
Let's not forget who the first politician was that required gun registration-Adolf Hitler. He used it as information as to who to confiscate guns from. All threats to liberty in democratic nations start off as fairly innocuous policies which then evolve into tyranny. A tyranny of the masses is, after all, still tyranny. Plus, most of the people who wish to abridge the right to bear arms are white, middle class suburbanite pricks with no concept of the lives of people who live in different situations, such as rural areas which are not heavily policed, or inner city neighborhoods that are so dangerous the police avoid them. There are reasons to need a gun for self-protection. And frankly, far more people die in car accidents every year than from gunshot wounds. However, very few people want to ban cars ( ironically, it's usually the same people who want to ban guns...).
Don't forget also that Hitler and Obama both ran on political platforms of egalitarian populism, claiming to want to do away with class distinctions, etc. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA IS A GENOCIDAL MANIAC!!! What I am saying is look at the other policies of the National Socialists (Try to Ignore "The Final Solution" and see what else they stood for) and you will see some surprising parallels. The Nazis were environmentalists, believed in socialist policies, national health care ( which included euthanasia for those taking up too much money), claimed to be "restoring" national pride and prestige, believed in new infrastructure, etc. There are also parallels with Marxism, which makes sense since Fascism, Socialism and Marxist-Communism are all left wing political movements. They vary in the degree of economic and political freedom though.