No need to get butt hurt, this is all speculation, he needs to make an educated decision based on the resources available to him.All I said is that I didn't think that the accerator pump was the issue since he stated that it only happened when he was going 40ish. Accelerator pump would happen at all times. He could be starving for fuel or possible air or spark as well. I think he should check his pump as I said before. I'm betting on a vaccum leak as he said he can hear a vaccum leak. The other issue I'd it may be the vaccum advance on his distributer. I was just giving him my opinion sorry if it conflicted with yours. if it's the accerator pump congrats to you you get a point.
My experience with vacuum leaks is that they would also cause a rough idle and to run rich.
My experience with stumbling at any acceleration is the accelerator pump.