Need help making a decision on what oil pump to use.
After pulling my motor apart, turns out that I don't have a regular "low buck" melling oil pump. Turns out my father had an M55HV or high volume pump put in.
When I bought all my parts a couple months ago, I thought I had a cheap oil pump in there so I bought a Milodon high pressure/standard volume pump. So which do I use:
1.) Melling M55HV high volume pump (used)
2.) Milodon High pressure/standard volume pump (new)
Let me know if you need further specs on my setup.
After pulling my motor apart, turns out that I don't have a regular "low buck" melling oil pump. Turns out my father had an M55HV or high volume pump put in.
When I bought all my parts a couple months ago, I thought I had a cheap oil pump in there so I bought a Milodon high pressure/standard volume pump. So which do I use:
1.) Melling M55HV high volume pump (used)
2.) Milodon High pressure/standard volume pump (new)
Let me know if you need further specs on my setup.