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megaladon6 said:
obama's been in office for 3yrs, i've been seeing this for closer to 10
try again bill
oh ... sorry...i guess what you meant to say was... "how long are we gonna keep seeing this thread"....not "how many times"....forgive me for not being able to tell the difference.... 8)
You know bill, its funny. When you dont have a prewritten speech coming out of the media/union/michael moore, all you can do is turn to sarcasm and semantics.
Jesus H Christ. My reply with that link was to attempt to answer the OP's question, "true?"

Normally I would turn to the fatherland of all things internet-chain-letter-hoax at snopes.com, but the only entry they had for this addressed a much earlier version of this, but not this one specifically, so I went to the next available "debunker" I noticed. I could give a crap if they're "liberal" or not, for ****'s sake, am I supposed to interview the mother****er before I link to his page. sh*t. Unsubscribing from this topic.

Bottom line: it's just another dumbass internet chain letter that is filled with half-truths and incomplete facts. Doesn't matter what your political leanings are. ****.
megaladon6 said:
You know bill, its funny. When you dont have a prewritten speech coming out of the media/union/michael moore, all you can do is turn to sarcasm and semantics.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
rustyroger said:
Here we go again!

Anyone got any impartial peer reviewed FACT based input on this?.

Searching for and verifying facts on the internet is like driving cross country without a map, and in the dark. The better tactic IMO is to look at the known versus the speculative and then use good common sense to wade through the crap. The success of propaganda emails such as this relies upon and takes advantage of the lack of common sense that many people dont care to use anymore .....if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isnt!
Searching for and verifying facts on the internet is like driving cross country without a map said:
I know the internet is a sounding board for any amount of half assed, bigoted, ignorant, prejudgemental and unsound opinions, occasionally well researched intelligent pieces turn up but take a lot of finding.
I wonder if their are any links to unbiased reports available. If I was considering buying a new car in the USA i would see what a publication like "Consumer Reports" have to say about it, as opposed to a car enthusiasts magzine for example.
Such work is often attacked by vested interests, the BBC in the UK is constantly under pressure from the government of the day and other media with their own agenda. mainly because it tries to present the facts and David Cameron, Rupert Murdoch et al don't like their views questioned.

The Bakken shale is huge....If memory serves it is now the largest continuous oil shale play in the world.

With the oil sands, and this play, liquids rich plays like Eagleford we (N America) certainly have a very substantial oil and gas supply.

Most experts in the industry believe we have 105-200 years supply depending on who you talk to...and even then you get strong opinions on estimated vs proven, recovery rates etc...

I cant find any educated person in the oil and gas industry that believes we have a 2000+ year supply...we may...but those resources havent been found yet.
nothing speaks the truth like Straight DOPE from TEXAS! thnks for the info....and for the common sense supplied with it. :wink:
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