Well, as I've been going along, I've been finding that alot of the information I was told about upgrades I could make to my 74 Olds 350 is basically B.S... so, yea, figured I'd just see what kind of ideas you folks on here had to get some power out of this thing. not looking to do wheelstands, or anything like that... but at the same time, I dont want to feel like I'm driving with nothing more that a healthy 307, cause, this will have proved pointless.
So, yea, if you have any thoughts, throw them my way, cause its getting to a point of which I'm just getting nothing more than frustrated, which is not a good thing at all. Help me get this project back on track!
So, yea, if you have any thoughts, throw them my way, cause its getting to a point of which I'm just getting nothing more than frustrated, which is not a good thing at all. Help me get this project back on track!