thank you so much for the outline dogshit, i really appreciate that, its great having such a wealth of information and knowledgeable people on this site. for the most part everything you've listed is what i've had floating in my head in one way or another. i have a spare 200-4r and D5 2400 stall converter that id like to use and CK performance is local to me so when the time comes i'll definetly consult them with my needs. i'm also relatively familiar with Q-jets, and would like rebuild one of my spares myself for our application. the cam swap may hold off until the engine is in need of a rebuild which depending how hard my brother beats on it when he gets his licence, i'm in no position to fund a total rebuild. the performance of the 350 in a heavier car, 2 barrel, crappy headers and duals with a 2.56 open rear, automatic was perfect for me when i was a new driver and with the few hop ups that we have planned this should be more than enough for another new driver. i was thinking of Derale fans for it aswell, i'd rather have something new and their design seems good (bosch motors, 4000 cfm, 50A draw) and i already have a 140 amp alternator on the car i plan to reuse. as far as headers, i'm leaning heavily toward hedman shorties, i've hear the fitment isnt half bad, ground clearance obviously good, and the price is right. all that would be the basics, i like to have a definite plan well in advance before hap hazardly tearing into things, i cant tell you how long i researched my big block build before i had it done...
86-blk442, its amazing how far gone some of these cars are let go, it reminds me of my families 86 442. my grandparents owned it since new and for the past 7 years its been resting on the side of our house slowly going nowhere.(we're like the neighborhood hillbillies as far as cars-4 in the driveway, 1 on the side and 1 in the garage but they all serve a purpose of some kind). one day when my 71's done if my grandpa doesnt start to do something with it that will be my next personal project.