Seems like a really good car. Definitely true mileage. With something like that you know it hasn't been hot-rodded and hacked. The rust in the corner of the trunk lid is somewhat of a mystery as to how it happened, but it is an Ohio car so that is a clue. Looks like the striping is a vinyl graphic that would have held in moisture and condensation, that would be clue #2.
I wouldn't think with that low of mileage that the frame would be of any concern. You would see issues in the trunk floor and elsewhere on the outside of the body. It doesn't seem to be repainted, except maybe the upper portion that is darker colored.
Yes, the price is too high, but that is often a tactic to keep the "riff-raff" away a lot of times. If the right person were to come along and appreciate the car (if it really is as good as it seems), I'm sure it could be had for a lower price. I don't think many people actually buy a car off eBay as a "Buy it Now", it's usually just a way to advertise on a national level. No one would probably call the guy if it was in a local paper for a fraction of the current price.
Just think of all the little things that are so much nicer on a low mileage/garaged car. That accounts for something (well actually a lot).
"Yuck, it's got a rust spot in the corner of the trunk I'll give ya $50 fer it fella".