Oldsmoletick said:
Not impressed, hate that I have to click on my picture, then then another tab just to get my links, pain in the *ss, really slows you down while trying to make a simple multi picture post.
No you dont.
Click on your username, then settings, then Album settings
You can choose to have the links displayed in the thumbnails, and which types of links. I used the links only, since I use them the most.[/quote]
Thanks! Good to know. That was one of my complaints -- having to take the extra step just to get to the links.
I'm sure there are lots of great features in the new version. They don't seem to be super obvious though. It just isn't very idiot-friendly for guys like me who like it simple. By the time I get some of these tweaks figured out they'll probably have a new version so we can start all over again.