Well I have to dive into this with my '15 Silverado but figured it might be something others may have pop up on their LS powered G. After driving home from work tonight I had both fans kick into full scream as I was parking the truck & noticed the temp gauge sitting only at 160 with no CEL on. Scanned & got a pending P0128, everything under the hood was cool to touch, overflow at the time was not at the full cool mark but since the truck was running for about 20 minutes at around 55 on the ride home I want to recheck in the morning as everything will be at a near air temp & cold. Inner web says culprit could be between the thermostat, temp sensor near it, low coolant (morning recheck) &/or fans themself. Tempted to try the stealership but the one local refused to accept my Ally extended warranty & not really in the mood to deal with fight with others to see if they'll accept it or not as we have an unexpected family thing just happened to add to getting this quickly done. Besides ensuring the coolant level is correct should I just swap the thermostat & sensor & go from there & just the thermostat? To be honest I'd rather throw the $100 at the garage & let them trouble shoot & let Ally cover everthing but speed of gettig it fixed is the primary course of action.