Plane pics Ive taken ...Enjoy!!!

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Master Mechanic
Jun 12, 2011
Owasso, Oklahoma



Awesome pictures... I love airplanes. You ever seen a B2 out of no where? It's pretty creepy... Back about 6-7 years ago I saw one one night and it really creeped me out I thought it was a UFO. They're really quiet coming up on you and almost impossible to see in the dark except two square jet exhausts.

I'd like to see an F22 or F35 like that up close, or an F117... Around here I'm used to seeing A10's (mostly) and the occasional F16 flying around just at random. And of course F18's and F15's at air shows, but I've never gotten a chance to see an F22, F35 or the stealth fighter up close. Those F15's are probably the loudest thing I've ever heard... They did this cool thing at an air show once I was at where they had a P51 fly around with an F15 side by side that was pretty awesome. One of the coolest things I ever got to see up close was the C5 Galaxy I don't know exactly how big the engine intakes really are, but when I was a kid it seemed like they were big enough to suck a Cadillac in. :lol:

I want to learn how to fly really bad... And be a bush pilot that seems like it would be such an exciting job. I always wanted to fly ever since I was a kid, I wanted to join the ANG or Air Force but when I hurt my back that ended that dream... I actually wanted to fly an A10 but the F16 would be cool too. Now with my ankle it's double ended, so I'll have to learn on my own and get my own plane. :lol:
Awesome...thanks for sharing these! I live in what can only be called a "playground" for several AF bases around the area. We see a lot of F-18's, black hawks, tankers, and lots of "black ops" stuff that likes to fly over at night. The other night, a plane came by so slow and low that it looked like a UFO for a minute....freaked me out! turned out it was a C-5 and it was moving so slow that I thought it was gonna fall out of the It had more lights on it than a christmas tree...wild looking it wasnt more than 1000 feet off the ground.
Wow that's crazy looking... I didn't know they were using the digi camo on airplanes. :shock:
No more A-10's here on PA Kornball.
Yeah I know they moved the 111th ANG fighter wing to New Jersey... Kinda stinks I liked watching the military aircraft fly by. Now all you ever see are the occasional CH53 "Sea Stallion" or super stallion or whatever designation they give it now and very rarely you'll see a CH47 Chinook fly over, those things make a spooky sound... Unlike the CH53's that are just unbelievably loud but don't really sound different from most choppers. But I haven't seen an A10 or an F16 in a year or two maybe more... But it doesn't seem like it was that long ago I used to see them a few times a week when I was a kid.

I see you're in Yardley cool... I live like 15 maybe 20 minutes from there, as well as a couple guys here all live right around this area. What do you do in the military?
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