Predict The Future

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many scientists do believe in god--they're just not very religious. the reason you don't consider god in science is beacause the bible was written by people and the answer "just because...: is stupid. when people ask a question they want an answer, and a scientists job is to ask and then answer questions. i mean, do you really believe that dinosaurs never existed? that their bones were put there to confuse us? that's an actual theory from some of the born again crowd. don't worry i know it's not everones theory.

and so you feel better, the banks have very good security and multiple back up systems to store their info. it's probably a hell of a lot easier to hack the DOD database than the banks--they have the money to buy good systems.
they did somehting like that in live free or die hard y not real life its very possible

the whole god thing i think it has to do wiht not being able to describe somehting at that point in time i mean if u lived way back then and looked up at the sky or some crazy animals around u then your buddy gets hit by lightning what would u think im not gonna put that there is a god out of an anserw but the more advanced science is getting its getting closer and closer to that line were theres no god to me

just like the whole nostradamus stuff people put that to rest because he cant give an exact description of a plane, a name of a person, citys, sky scrapers. if u seen it in a vision how would u describe it back in the time period he lived. these so called experts get so caught up init and try to prove his visions wrong they tend to look over the simple things

but as long as we keep looking to the skys to the bottom of the oceans i realy think theres gonna be some real break throughs in medical research, transportation, finding out if there is life on other planets how the universe started and so on. Ive read that deep sea orginsams show incredible cancer-fighting promise and compounds found in two deep-sea sponges (Discodermia and Lissodendoryx) are now in human clinical trials as anticancer compounds. Several other compounds are in preclinical stages and show considerable promise.
that's one thing i find hilarious. western medicine does everything it can to discredit traditional and herbal medicine. then it goes ahead and copies them! there are a lot of medicines based off of or using natural ingredients--they just don't like to admit to it.
they did somehting like that in live free or die hard y not real life its very possible

are you saying it's possible or not possible in real life?
megaladon6 said:
they did somehting like that in live free or die hard y not real life its very possible

are you saying it's possible or not possible in real life?

i think it could be possible everythings basicly ran by computers now

theres just so much about this world that can be learnd from the seas and the universe and noone in power realy ever steps up and says lets look into this stuff
life is not fight club and you're not john mclane(sp?)! 99.99999% of what you see in the movies is not possible/correct.
megaladon6 said:
life is not fight club and you're not john mclane(sp?)! 99.99999% of what you see in the movies is not possible/correct.

i was just touching on the whole hacking subject u were talking about i was just saying they did that in live free die hard i wasnt saying if they could do it in a movie they can do it in real life
My whole point is that given the resources necessary, it could be done and would be a viable strategy instead of the much more difficult prospect of building a physical weapon and gathering the necessary materials to do so. Pretty much everyone has the materials to launch a cyber-terrorism attack now a days as home computers have an amazing amount of processing power. My cheap laptop probably has more computing power than the combined computing power of the whole world when we went to the moon. A talented hacker with plenty of time to do so would eventually be able to break whatever security measures are in place if left undisturbed. People of that sort probably exist in countries and organizations that hate us. Will it happen? I don't know, I am not psychic. However, the possibility does exist and would take less difficult resources than an actual physical weapon would.

My whole point about truth is that it has become relative to what one wishes to believe. Data and resources exist on both sides of almost every issue and with the massive amount of data sharing we now have thanks to the internet, anyone can find information to support any idea or position they have. So, it comes down to viewpoint and faith as to where truth really lies.
to break whatever security measures are in place if left undisturbed.

sure, and 1 person can kill every human on this planet with their bare hands and walking/swimming everywhere. that's not reality, that's "if". if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.

if we left people "undisturbed" then every terrorist group would have a nuc.. building one is incredibly easy. the guys who hacked the DOD were detected and arrested, and they didn't get as deep as people think. besides, banks have lots of money to spend on security, which the military doesn't.
YEs, but if they were in a country that was an enemy state, they would be left alone. That was my point.
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