Predict The Future

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so when the security systems spot them they cut them off or run a reverse hack. you don't have to physically unplug his computer to stop a hacker.
ok well wut if one of these guys who designed the security system decided he wanted to hack it and screw everyone over who will stop him
no one person creates the entire system. they have secondary people, including hackers, check for gaps, backdoors, and the like. 20 years ago people did hack bank systems. that's why they have really good security now. companies with that much money to protect don't just build a system and then just leave it and not monitor it or improve it.
do you have a virus software subscription? if so you know that they are always modifying and upgrading it.
that dosent mean it cant happen
1980Gbody said:
that dosent mean it cant happen

What can or can't happen? Someone hacks the defense department's computers?

It happens every day, actually. The thing is that network throughput is heavily monitored and most security breaches are discovered and countered before any damage is done.

The breaches that AREN'T discovered, you still don't hear about. Because the government doesn't like advertising when it can't protect it's own information.
That's my whole point. No system is foolproof and if they pick at it long enough they eventually will get through.
only if the system is left alone and unmonitored. do you have an alarm on any of your cars? if you're sitting around one night and the alarm goes off, do you look outside or just ignore it. if you ignore it, you deserve to get robbed. but i'll bet that if it was an F1 Mclaren you'd check! and probably walk out there with a shotgun!
No alarm, and half the time they are left unlocked. I have had mowers stolen, but nothing out of my cars.
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