I was getting kind of burnt out on the chassis build so I made a detour and did some work on the anvil and stand. Since my boss is on vacation (gotta be sneaky) I took the anvil in and removed a couple layers of paint so I could more clearly read the numbers. This is what I found...

Through some quick research I found that it was made in England between 1854 and 1875. The numbers are the old British stone weight measurement indicating 104 pounds. This thing is AT LEAST 100 years older than I am. Pretty cool.
On the base I started with a scrap section of 2"x8" box with a section of angle iron welded in to keep the center from collapsing. I capped the end then filled it with dry concrete mix. The theory is that it will add weight while acting as a dampener. It also won't have the same moisture issues as sand. Once filled and compacted I capped the other end.

For the stand portion I welded two pieces of C-channel together and filled it as well.

Welled the top and mount points on then tipped it over and ground all the welds.

Gave it a quick coat of primer then back in the corner until I get motivated to finish it.

I have plans to add a vise mount to it so I can get the vise off of my work bench and out of the way. Once that's sorted out I'll paint everything and dress the striking surfaces of the anvil.