thanks for the info, i guess i will have to save up a little more first then :shock:
i got the adapters on ebay|39:1|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
of course the price dropped right after i bought mine. you will need a paypal account though. if you don't have one HiFiSoundConnection sells the same thing on ebay, that is who i got mine from, and you can do a money order.
i got the adapters on ebay|39:1|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
of course the price dropped right after i bought mine. you will need a paypal account though. if you don't have one HiFiSoundConnection sells the same thing on ebay, that is who i got mine from, and you can do a money order.