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"The General Electric GAU-17/A "minigun" represents the USAF/USN derivative of the U.S. Army's Vietnam War-era General Electric M134 Minigun vehicle-mounted weapon system. The GAU-17 operation follows the Gatling rotary-style munitions delivery arrangement pioneered by Dr. Richard J. Gatling during the 1880's."

"The highest rate of fire for a machine gun in service is the M134 Minigun. The weapon was designed in the late 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles."

Can a civilian own a m134 minigun? "All you have to do is pass an extensive background check and pay for a $200 tax stamp and you can buy all you want provided that they were manufactured before 1986. According to ATF records there are over 500,000 fully automatic weapons already legally owned by citizens in the U.S. as of Sep 15, 2021."

Now all I'd have to do is convince the Federal Government and all those recividist tree hugging butt mon**** that infest the local realm of P*l*t*cs that owning one is good for my psychological health! It'd make for great deer hunting.

The highest rate of fire for a machine gun in service is the M134 Minigun.
M61 Vulcan 20mm Gatling Gun.
6,000 Rounds/Min

Might have seen that one run too..


My absolute favorite, have seen it in person on the ground testing and in the air on live targets.

GAU-8/A 30mm Gatling Gun the A-10 Aircraft is built around.



It's called the Metal Storm and the system was designed and produced in Australia. They are currently supposed to be deployed on US naval vessels.

And there is also a 50 cal variant of the mini-gun

The GAU-19/A (GECAL 50) is an electrically driven, three-barrel rotary heavy machine gun that fires the . 50 BMG (12.7×99mm) cartridge.
Rate of fire1,000, 1,300 or 2,000 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity2,910 fps (887 m/s)
Effective firing range1,800 m
Maximum firing range6,000 m

Now I do acknowledge that for sheer size and violence, the two rounds that you display, and the systems that deliver them, are likely to be just the ticket for inflicting havoc and mayhem on "them", whoever they might be at any given time. And for values of "fun", as enjoyed from time to time, I suspect both of those rounds might be grounds for some major Wah-HOO time but, while the results would be very impressive, for the pure swiss cheese shreddie factor, ya gotta love the mini-guns.

Yup I've seen the Metal Storm a while back on YouTube just never in person.

Proved itself very well in Desert Storm/Desert Shield. That 30mm works. Literally is a flying gun.

post today GIF
You yunguns have all the fun with your newfangled hardware . This is the most impressive we had in my day.
You could cook the animal you just took out with that in the time it takes to reload.
Flintlock, multi-barreled, probably damascus steel. Nice picture 'n" all but also would've been nice to ogle the firing mechanism up close and personal to see how it all works. There is no apparent central axle or spindle for the barrels to rotate around so is it a case of mass or group fire?

Almost looks Francais in design, maybe from just before the revolution.?

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