In Re: Clockwork Birdie, now that is a pecker!
The Beemer? looks like a design exercise something from the thirties when that type of streamlining got applied to trains as well. Think it was an offshoot of the whole Art-Deco era. For the ArtDeco??? non-comprende, the term is short for Art as Decoration, meaning that instead of just getting hung on walls, artistic design was employed to beautify what essentially were utilitarian items. Kitchen appliances came in for a lot of tweaking of their designs for that reason. The point, sort of, was to prove that even the ugliest tool or device could be made to look beautiful with enough effort; think 1935 Chrysler AirStream here.
The Beemer? looks like a design exercise something from the thirties when that type of streamlining got applied to trains as well. Think it was an offshoot of the whole Art-Deco era. For the ArtDeco??? non-comprende, the term is short for Art as Decoration, meaning that instead of just getting hung on walls, artistic design was employed to beautify what essentially were utilitarian items. Kitchen appliances came in for a lot of tweaking of their designs for that reason. The point, sort of, was to prove that even the ugliest tool or device could be made to look beautiful with enough effort; think 1935 Chrysler AirStream here.
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