455cutlass said:
Where can you buy this stuff in CANADA
L.A.X-RATED said:
by L.A.X-RATED on Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:43 am
I was pretty happy with the RustBlast. If I had brushed the headers during application, they would have come out even cleaner.
I am however, very unhappy with their high heat paint. I don't understand why anyone would want to use brush application vs spray painting. It was such a pain to brush on, took 3 or 4 times longer than spraying. It didn't apply well and it was tough to get into tight spaces... pretty much gooped it in there and hope it stuck. I can see how it would be easier with cast manifolds or large parts, but with headers, no thanks!
And because of thick brush application, the paint was easy to chip. And once I started and ran my engine, it cracked and started to flake away from the heat.
I can't say I've heard any different from the VHS header paint line... I guess there's just no cheap alternative for nice long lasting header paints.
If you do decide to use KBS high heat paint, don't let their sales guy convince you for brush-on. Get him to order in some spray paints. You'll save yourself days of work.
in Summary... would I do it again? I can't say.
for an equivalent set of new headers, it would have cost me $160 from Summit, plus shipping and boarder fees.
For the KBS products, I think I was all in for $85 after taxes
- I think $30 for the gallon of RustBlast
- I think $35 for the pint of paint
- and they charged me $10 flat rate shipping from Toronto
before these purchases, I spent 2 days with a drill and wirewheel getting the thick bits of rust off the headers