Search Engine - Do you know what it is? (RANT!)

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GP403 said:
Alright, I think its time to consider an official GBF FAQ or even a limited-edit-access wiki for this kind of stuff. Don't expect one tomorrow but it needs to be done.... Not sure my server could handle a wiki at this point but she's going to be upgraded anyway.....

There are a few helpful stickeys in each of the forums, but I agree that an expanded FAQ section is a great idea.
I'd even be willing to help do some tech write-ups on some of the subjects.
GP403 wrote:Alright, I think its time to consider an official GBF FAQ or even a limited-edit-access wiki for this kind of stuff. Don't expect one tomorrow but it needs to be done.... Not sure my server could handle a wiki at this point but she's going to be upgraded anyway.....

There are a few helpful stickeys in each of the forums, but I agree that an expanded FAQ section is a great idea.
I'd even be willing to help do some tech write-ups on some of the subjects.

I'd be willing to do some tech write ups along with Blake if that's not a problem 8)
patmckinneyracing said:
I saw you come up GP403 and I was like "uh oh". What are you talking about exactly? Upgrading the search engine?

nothing like that, just a general section of the site where this stuff would be located, probably outside of the forum. So all we have to do here is holler, "READ TEH FAQ!!1one!!" n stuff...
I don't mind the repetitive questions as much as the topics like "Need Help" or "This looks like a good" .
As others have mentioned,this is a tolerant site. I have seen other sites where if you don't hit the floor running up to speed you are ridiculed to pieces. But I think Pat's point is valid, that if you don't bother to research at all, you drag the whole site down. Even a quick browse through each forum's topics will get you a wealth of information, as long as you put the effort in. In fact I only found this site because I was searching for some parts and GBF comes up a LOT when you Google anything about these cars. That in itself is an indication of how influential a good site can be. I hung back,reading and learning, and I was impressed at the level of expertise most members have. I only started posting when I thought I could contribute something positive, and of course I made mistakes and pulled boners. But like I said before, I allways try to frame an answer so it will be clear to someone with little experience, as do others. The last thing you would want to do is get someone hurt by discounting the dangers of car repair.
Bonnewagon said:
As others have mentioned,this is a tolerant site. I have seen other sites where if you don't hit the floor running up to speed you are ridiculed to pieces. But I think Pat's point is valid, that if you don't bother to research at all, you drag the whole site down. Even a quick browse through each forum's topics will get you a wealth of information, as long as you put the effort in. In fact I only found this site because I was searching for some parts and GBF comes up a LOT when you Google anything about these cars. That in itself is an indication of how influential a good site can be. I hung back,reading and learning, and I was impressed at the level of expertise most members have. I only started posting when I thought I could contribute something positive, and of course I made mistakes and pulled boners. But like I said before, I allways try to frame an answer so it will be clear to someone with little experience, as do others. The last thing you would want to do is get someone hurt by discounting the dangers of car repair.


Very well stated!
Re: Search Engine - Do you know what it is?

rebelgtp said:
Dang someone pee in your Cheerios this morning or something? Chill out. This place should be fun and informative for people to come and learn about these cars and get help with their problems not have their heads torn off because you think they should search harder. If it bugs you so much ignore the posts and let others deal with it.

Also fun fact sometimes when you search for things using the forum search function it ignores part of your search string because it is to common or short making it hard to find information about certain topics.

I'm sure you have never asked anything on here that has been answered already. Right?

Go work on your car or something instead of complaining.

X2....Dont hurt yourself too bad gettin down off your high horse. Just like he said, if you dont like the topic, dont read it. I really dont see why you care. Someone asking the same question that has been beaten into the ground doesnt affect you in any way. Not everyone on this site grew up in a damn garage (like myself).
GP403, what if we (well, you 🙂 ) go through the site and find the most complete threads on things like the 307-350 swap, rears etc and just make them stickies? they're easy to find, FULL of info, and always growing. just like the v6-v8 swap and holley vs. q-jet threads.
I love the idea of setting up a wiki or more centralized FAQ that has some more in depth articles. If there is anything I am doing to any of my cars that you guys need photos for that let me know and I will take them. I will do any sort of write up I can to help others that are trying to get the most out of these cars. This is my first G body so yeah I have questions, thankfully I also have access to someone that has raced these cars for 20+ years.
I'm following the middle ground on this. Yes, it does get old answering the same questions over and over. Especially when people ask about how to swap SBC in g-bodies when there are multiple stickies 1/4 page up from their question. Or, about manual trannies when they can look on 2 pages in the section and find the same info answered 4 or 5 times. I finally just started linking the thread in the reply.

But, on the other hand, we have a LOT of info here. On one particular forum I'm on (name withheld but it concerns tuning the chips on my THIRDGEN fuel injection setup...) I'm expected to read thru several years worth of search info before I ask a question...? A person may have overlooked that particular thread or just not understood it. I'm a working man and sometimes I don't have several hours a night to wade thru info that doesn't relate to my question looking for that ONE thread that was posted 5 years ago that did answer my question.

I see both sides...
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