WyoKid said:Sorry i havent done or said anything about this post i created... kind of regret it.. no one in the world freaking believes me but thats their problem. I was told that some sites charge the user if he advertises a company in the form of a sponsor (or somthing like that), so i took that as a suttle hint that i shouldnt say anything else on here about it. And i did recieve the rims and tires, as well as some stupid decals i had to get to fill my product queue(so didnt want them on my car). I will get photo proof as soon as possible so i can rest peoples minds. Ive been more worried about my schooling than my car at the moment. ( Also the car is so far away... hard for me to work on it and take pics for everyone)... Also i no longer have the wheels and tires... had to sell them due to a finicial emergency of my family's and that was the onlything of value.i told them to sell them. I think ill survive with out fancy wheels for awhile.( And for those that think im a lieing about the rims because i no longer have the, they just think i never did and this whole thing is a scam... i will have your proof) Not sure the next time im going home but i will have pics when i do.
My apologies for not keeping everyone up to date.
I'm really confused now?? Did you pay anything for the wheels? Were they free?
As for sites charging you if you advertise, if you are referring to my previous post, I did not mean you could not talk about it. I'm talking about getting to the point of spam or creating a post for the sole purpose of personal gain. This site is here for you to share what you learn and gain knowledge through advice; other people may want to know how and if this sponsorship deal works (I am very skeptical, especially after reading all the bad reviews). Getting something for nothing is not a reality, there is always some sort of "cost" attached. It might not be money, but it'll be something, and that "it" may be worth more than money.
For what it's worth, I would not sign up for it, even if they paid me in addition to free parts. My stuff belongs to me and I do not want any organization to feel as if they have a right to tell me what to do with it.