I work in Unionized steel mills for 43.5 years. Ohio has been a "right to work" state as long as I've been alive. You should go to a State labor relations board. Working in a union shop gives both the employee and the company "set" work rules. This is good for both employee and the company (imo). Employees know the rules and a lot would push it to the limit. Such as absenteeism, work duties etc. When they'd push it over the limit and get fired, then the union would do anything to get their jobs back and that usually meant throwing out guaranteed winner grievances, such as someone getting overlooked for overtime etc. The company would give the fired person another and in most cases they'd get in hot water again. In my experience, 99% of problems were caused by 3% of the workers. I was a union steward for a couple of years. If you won the grievances, you were just doing your job as a steward, if the grievance was lost it was your fault, not the drunken drug addict useless worker's fault. One lazy sob that had multiple personal/women problems got wrote up "again" for absenteeism and was getting one day off. He came bitching to me about it. I said your all the time missing work, what's another day? He said, "because it's not the day I want off." I went and saw the boss. I said, "I see your giving Pheasant (his nickname) a day off."
He said, "he's lucky I don't fire his *ss!"
I said "if you want to punish him make him come to work, he's bragging about he doesn't have to come to work."
He thought a second, "you know what, tell him I'm cancelling that day off and he better be on time!" I said, "I'll tell him, boy, will he be bitching."
Win win, boss thought making him work was punishment, Pheasant was happy because didn't have to have a day off during the week. Oh yes, he was fired after failing another drug test when he was on a "last chance probation." They made him and another "bookend" worker with a surprise drug test after a 4th of July weekend.
Actually in Ohio non-union employees have a better chance of getting their jobs back because there's no "set in stone" work rules like a union shop.
Mostly all you have to say is you were talking about getting a union and somehow they found out about it.