cullencombs said:
13bravo said:
I hate local. All we have are big name stores with young punks behind the counter.
yeah I should have made it clear I don't go to the big box stores if I don't have to. Still plenty of smaller race shops that deal with places like Keystone and other like places around here.
I once needed a timing cover gasket for a SBC that I called and gave the Felpro number to the person behind the counter, and they said that particular nyumber didn't cross to what they had. So they proceeded to ask me what Year, Make, Model, and did it have air conditioning. Well I had to flub up yr/mk and model as the application was actually a 400 small block in a 1967 Corvette, and when I went to pick up said gasket; it was exactly the part number I gave the idiot in the first place.
I also once needed some 1 5/8 flat disc freeze plugs and called ahead, and they said yep we've got them, and I go to pick them up, and they are 1 5/8 cup plug freeze plugs. That was for a 1956 315 D50 Hemi which wasn't in the computer.