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custom442 said:
patmckinneyracing said:
Just leave it on craigslist. If he wants to sue you then let him try cause he's just gonna dig his own grave. Freedom of speech (1st amendment)

I'm fairly sure you can be sued for bad mouthing someone's business

I am pretty sure you are talking about slander, that is when someone makes FALSE claims about a person/business. If they are false claims, then yes you can be sued. Since he is not lying about anything, they probably can not sue him, but who knows what kind of proof would be needed. Maybe he can be sued in these circumstances.
dan2286 said:
I am pretty sure you are talking about slander, that is when someone makes FALSE claims about a person/business. If they are false claims, then yes you can be sued. Since he is not lying about anything, they probably can not sue him, but who knows what kind of proof would be needed. Maybe he can be sued in these circumstances.

No, not slander. Just bad publicity. It would be an easy win case for a business that brings in a ton of money (remember, they have what he said in ink, his testimony is just what 'might' have been said). Like someone else wrote, these guys are crooks. An attorney representing them would be just the same. If he wants to bring it to court, then I hope he has a lot of good luck.
It could be considered hear say. There is no proof he wrote anything online. Unless the company was there when he put it, they have nothing on him.

It could have been his friend, girlfriend, relative anyone that put it pretending to be him. He can deny everything in court.

I will look into the laws in your state when I get a chance, maybe you have some sort of consumer protection laws that can help you. Small claims cost almost nothing to file and if you can prove in court that you know a lot about cars and how yours is wrong, you will win. It does not matter if he has been doing this for 25 years, he screwed up and he should pay or fix it.
pokertramp said:
he screwed up and he should pay or fix it.

You're correct, he should. But I have a feeling this isn't the way things will go down if the defense hires a proper attorney.

I've been in a similar situation (in fact, I just paid my last SIX HUNDRED dollar payment this past week for a case 18 months ago - yes I was in the right, and yes I've been paying every other month since then).
Well, it can be proven that it was him since Craigslist keeps records of E-Mail addys and IP addresses. The only way to not have it traced would be to set up a throw away E-Mail account to post with that has no ties back to you. This should be done on a public access WiFi connection with an altered MAC address in your computer so that the whole electronic trail is not traceable. After posting, change the MAC address in your laptop so that there is no chance that a link can be established back to you.
yea thats right i agree with "85 Cutlass Brougham" hey "newkid86" go to your library of wifi and post it on craigslist with a throw away email and on your post just say your a radom unsatified customer.......and give the readers a good story to make them think twice about taking there business there...... once you feel you gave them or made them loose 750 plus dollars of business just leave it alone hopefully it will go out of business.lol........ :lol: .

hey where there's a way there's a will..........
First off, I'm sorry to hear about your experience with these unscrupulous scumbags.
I would definitely start out by filing a complaint with the BBB and see if there had been any prior complaints against this business.

Also being 17 yrs old, wouldn't he still be considered a minor? I would think there would be a law in regard to dealing with a minor..

Perhaps if your parents know of, or have a friend who is an attorney. Maybe you can get some advice or see what course of action you can take.

Also for this business not providing an invoice of any sort gives me an indication of how crooked these bastards are.

Have you discussed this with your parents? I'm sure your folks or a relative can give you some advice. Even a a cousin or friend going to law school.

Best of luck with your situation. Please let us know how you make out.



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With small claims court you do not need an attorney. Call Judge Judy, she will pay you off.. :lol:

I understand what you are saying. They can link it to his computer but to physically prove he typed it is the point to be proven. I forgot about him being a minor, that might be a factor too.
If I'm not mistaken, I don't think it's necessary to have an attorney present for small claims court. I believe you can represent yourself...however it would probably be better to have legal representation....or be armed with documentation and proof of the transaction.

I do like the idea of contacting Judge Judy. She's a tough bird, but fair.
It's funny that you mentioned her. In back of my mind I thought the same thing... :lol: It's worth a shot. She'd be all over this character like a new suit.

I think the fact that he's a minor and did not have an adult approve the "work" could play in his favor. I would seek out some kind of counseling...or if he has a family friend who happens to be a cop...or show up with a few big gorillas.

He could call an attorney for a free consultation. I think most attorneys would spare 20 minutes of their time. It doesn't hurt to ask.

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