Well got the 406 back in wagon got it running sounds good. Well in the process of working the bugs to me it seemed like the top end was a little noisey. I had a couple engine builders i know stop by they all chaulked it up to being the combination of roller rockers and a solid roller cam. They both said its fine. Well leave it to me to not listen i got a hunch to remove valve covers so i did. Once removed i started motor with them off what do you know its 80% quieter. So i look in vc to find that every rocker is hitting vc on pushrod side/ intake side of vc. So know not only did i need tall vc i need wide ones. So looking at fabricated vc know or do you guy think i can get away with drilling mounting holes in vc a little bigger allowing me to shift it just the right amount to clear. Just when i thought i knew it all I learn something else.