The buzzer wont stop buzzing!

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Feb 11, 2009
Stratford, Ontario
I've been stumped by an electrical issue and was wondering if anyone has some knowledge to shed light on the subject.
A couple weeks ago when i started the car, the gauge lights never turned on or beeped, and the fuel gauge never worked. Thought nothing of it, but then when i drove at night w the lights on, the "lights are on" reminder kept buzzing even in the ign ON position, been driving me crazy till i yanked the buzzer last night. So it seems like the ignition switch isnt working for the gauges and fuel level and is telling the buzzer that the car is still off, but the ignition, radio and everytihng else work! All the fuses have been checked, not sure where to go from there
had similar problems with my buzzer. My brother and I couldnt figure it out and I really dont feel like investing a lot of time into it, so I just snipped the wire.
cdg1984 said:
had similar problems with my buzzer. My brother and I couldnt figure it out and I really dont feel like investing a lot of time into it, so I just snipped the wire.

haha, i know, but i really hate screwing with electric stuff. Apparenty nothing else is affected by it, and all it did was remind me the lights were on if i turned the car off.
If it comes on with the lights, could possibly a ground somewhere. Double check the grounds under the dash & see if everything is secure.
Doober said:
If it comes on with the lights, could possibly a ground somewhere. Double check the grounds under the dash & see if everything is secure.

Key words there, i hope i dont have to go too far under the dash to find it.. Makes sense though, could've just come loose or something. Are there maybe some fusible links there also?
Far as I know most or all of the fusible links are down on the starter from the factory.

I don't know for sure if there is one present on G-Bodies, but I remember on 1st gen S-Series trucks at the bottom corner of the dash right by the door there is a ground or two from the factory... I've had a few times when the bolt would actually come loose, and cause lots of ground issues... gauges acted funky, radio would cut out & turn back on when I hit a bump, etc.
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