Put no effort into marketing or advertising, can't sell what the general public really don't know anything about. It's not a Silverado, doesn't appeal to the kiddies & their wifi hot spot to text & drive (who can drive a performance car when it takes your attention away from their phone?) They never put anything into it other than using it's likeness in NASCAR. Anyways, why steal sales from the other performance models?
That's what caught my eye when I looked in the window. The seller told me I was the only one who knew what the car really was. Everyone else said, 'meh, it's an overpriced G8'. The local cops have two Caprices. I need to step over to the PD and see whether they might sell them to the public when they are done with them. Would be a nice organ donor for the coupe...It's got a stick!
Seen that last week.
Never even seen an SS on the street only the Caprice.
Maybe they should make a dam 2 door that doesn't look like a Cavalier............
oh no whats Nascar going to use now? 🙄
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