The giant f***ing is coming for you, Californians

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The Dakotas would want to join too.

It will be called 'Bumfukistan'

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are welcome.

We'll work on a name.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are welcome.

We'll work on a name.

They already have names: the over dakoter and the under dakoter. Per a coworker's wife.
...and all citizens will get their secret dakoter ring with their passport.
I think the car manufacturers should build cars to the federal emission standards and tell the states to bad that we're not following your rules anymore. The county I'm in in North Carolina ended emission testing on all cars a few years ago.
Rockin' the Bakken.

Western ND/eastern MT was a madhouse in 08-13 and then oil finally fell below $60 and it became unprofitable to horizonally drill and frak and the boom busted.

There was dozens upon dozens of hotels being put up out there. Freind of mine did construction at the time and they drove 4-5 hours round trip every day from the next closest hotel to build a hotel.

There was a time where a few counties in western ND had the highest Corvette ownership rate per person in the nation. All these oil field workers had cash to burn and were buying C6 vettes by the truckload.

The former governor now senator from ND anounced last week ND could easily replace all the oil Russia was shipping to the US but were limited due to permits expiring from the last time the wells were acting and they went dormant when price went down.
Meanwhile Montana, Alberta, and Saskatchewan prepare to form their own nation...
Hmm, cold as s**t weather, oil patch drier than a nuns cooch and enough meth to shoot 10 more seasons of Breaking Bad at least? Makes me wonder why I even bothered leaving the prairies 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣
I think the car manufacturers should build cars to the federal emission standards and tell the states to bad that we're not following your rules anymore. The county I'm in in North Carolina ended emission testing on all cars a few years ago.

They pretty much already do outside of CA. Most cars sold in the other 49 states are built to meet Federal EPA emission standards. CA is the only state that is allowed to set its own emission standards since CARB predates the EPA's emission regulations. The other states have the choice of adopting either Federal EPA standards or CARB's stricter standards, but they can't develop their own unique standards. However, the EPA pretty much just copycat CARB's emission standards so the differences aren't big. Also CA is a huge car market that car manufacturers don't want to miss out on, so they are willing to jump through any hoops CARB sets up. Only good news is that most states don't bother to enforce emission standards as hard as CA does.

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