The Point Is Moot!

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You all seem to miss the pOint that I think Bush sucked. In fact as I've said, he was so bad people were sucked into voting for Obama. But the fact that Bush was a poor president dosen't make this inexperience socialist the answer. His speech was like all his others, pretty words. Congress did pass his bailouts an stimulus and we got was higher unemployment and bigger debts. Spending more money that we have to print with no real backing or borrowing it is not the answer.
GP403 said:
The short version, in case you missed it :rofl:

MSNBC the network of comedy and fiction. Sort of like....well, if the shoe fits. There's a reason why MSNBC is buried in the ratings, I mean besides Joy Beher.
Randy_W said:
MSNBC the network of comedy and fiction. Sort of like....well, if the shoe fits. There's a reason why MSNBC is buried in the ratings, I mean besides Joy Beher.

What does MSNBC have to do with anything in that montage? Other than the fact it was recorded from there. :roll: That montage is made up of snippets of the peanut gallery's answers. Not anything MSNBC "made" them say. Deal with it.

Here's one I'm sure you'll enjoy. Same principle. I'm sure you'll explain to me at length how this is different, though.

Any use of snipets taken out of context proves zero. It's been done to comic effect for decades to Bush, Clinton, Reagan etc... Would be used on Obama but the pc police would scream racism to the tops of their lungs. Can be funny but means nothing in the real world. These tactics are typical of people that realize they don't have the answers and want the attention off themselves and how badly they suck. so they mock the other side. Especially those that try to hide their radical beliefs behind a veil of moderatism. So pull that shoe on and take a walk in it. :wink:
Or sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Maybe I wasn't trying to prove anything at all.
Randy_W said:
You all seem to miss the pOint that I think Bush sucked. In fact as I've said, he was so bad people were sucked into voting for Obama. But the fact that Bush was a poor president dosen't make this inexperience socialist the answer. His speech was like all his others, pretty words. Congress did pass his bailouts an stimulus and we got was higher unemployment and bigger debts. Spending more money that we have to print with no real backing or borrowing it is not the answer.

I agree with you. We need major spending cuts AND some tax hikes as well. I just find it really REALLY ridiculous the kinds of things people say about Obama. " The resurrection of our country " or whatever over the top, typical ultra right crap it was that you said.....just too much!! :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 😛 🙂 😀 :rofl:

:rofl: Let me bring this back on topic. I bring you the point. Moot. :rofl:
Resurrection of the country will only come when the ends are pulled closer to the middle, electing a right wing counter weight to the very left wing current president will not fix anything, just as voting for him last time to rid ourselves of Bush, ie; Bozo 2 replaces Bozo 1, didn't fix anything. Until we all understand that radical swings aren't the answer, we'll have what we've got, frozen government swinging like a pendulum. Right, left, right. Most of those responding here believe themselves moderates, but most of us aren't any more and that's a problem, it's why Dems and Repubs can't work together anymore. The middle ground has to be expanded. Obama is the worst leader since at least Hoover, but electing a far right candidate to counter what he's doing won't fix it, it'll just swing it the other way. We're likely to do that for now because he's so unpopular almost anyone different would beat him. Much like when he beat Bush. Where we need to start is in the Congress, elect true moderates, not necessarily people such as ourselves for we may not be as moderate as we see ourselves. :wink:
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