Good LORD (yes, I said it, deal with it) there's no need for squabbling. I didn't see any political crap until someone decided for themselves it was.
I think the biggest thing I don't care for about most of these recognition month's are more about self-segregation than inclusion. It's almost virtue signaling at its best, or worst, depending on your viewpoint. You know the ones, the ones about race, religion, or sexual orientation. To me, those are simply stupid and divisive in their very nature. Cancer awareness, or AIDS awareness, National Drag Racing, etc., to me are fine. It's a cause based on an issue every single person can relate to and get behind if they choose. But some recognition months are non-inclusive and IMO, attempt to elevate one group of people over others because of differences.
I see it everywhere now. I've seen it in places when I used to have a job too. For example, in the lunch room there was an unspoken area where the non-white folks would congregate as they would separate themselves for the most part from everyone else. Not all, but most. I was in there one evening and I was the only white person in the room. Everyone else that came in went and sat down in "the area". I picked up my lunch and calmly went over to the tables where they were sitting and sat down. I got a lot of side-eye like I had slapped their mom or something. I joked that if they were going to talk about the cracker in the room, I might as well be close enough to hear it. I knew everyone there and they knew me, so it's not like it was some stranger saying it. They all busted out laughing and we had a good lunch break. I don't even think they gave much thought to where they sat at in the lunchroom. Wasn't a big deal to me either way, but even invisible barriers to unity are still barriers.
Mutual respect is being eroded every day. I think if we all had that, we can co-exist despite any differences. I know that's Utopia, but that's the direction we should be heading, not the other way. Tolerance should be a two-way street. Too many times butthurt makes its way in because people think that they have to change the other person's mind/view instead of just understanding and tolerating the areas in which they differ.
I searched for it, and never found it- Human Unity Month. The United Nations has designated Dec 20th as International Human Solidarity DAY. But no month. Every day should be unity day. Shouldn't have to wait a year.
Speaking of years, I'm going to appropriate the 2020-2029 as the Official "IDGAF About Your Recognition Month" DECADE. Don't like it? Too bad. Recall that IDGAF.
We should be emphasizing celebrating the things that we share in common. It's ok to be unique, but please, quit celebrating our differences. It's not a good look for humanity.