I actually went to the standard site to get concept of operation and factory specs, their site is b**bs on a bullfrog use full.
78 diagram shows as grounding which is NC, normally closed, yet it appears as one spade is NC and the other is NO, normally open. If that is the case, that is easy to wire. It just has to be wired correctly or your dash light will be always on or it will never work.
PS226 is the TBI one I'm familiar with. Closes the FP circuit and opens when no oil pressure, I.e.: engine is shut off.
On yours you want switch closed with oil pressure to run the FP, E-Choke, Excite for Alternator.
Then the reverse..., switch closed, grounds "oil" light when no oil pressure. So essentially a flip flop switch.
Very easy to wire I just want to make sure telling you correctly
I found one piece of it and I guess the 126T is ceramic disk that operates it. I was always under the impression the one you showed was simple SPST Spring operated but I guess not.
I'm just going to buy one and hook up to air to verify operation. Once I verify operation, wiring it is the easy part.
I'm doing a TBI to carb conversion so I need to get one any how, don't like to use the old junk.