Pizza Delivery. If you choose your store right, and you have a car that is good enough on gas (and reliable) it's the only way to fly. Try Pizza Hut. Around here at least, they pay the most and have the best benefits. Just stay away from small time franchisees and work somewhere corporate. I have been a delivery driver for 13 years ( my only job), and have worked for several companies so I know what I am talking about. The best places are located far away from Ghetto neighborhoods so that they are not in your delivery area. Choosing your area well allows you to do de facto "Redlining" since pizza delivery companies cannot legally exclude neighborhoods in many locations. Middle class delivery is the most consistent and the safest. That is the sort of area I chose to work in when I went back to school as it has the best tip-density. Avoid either very poor or very wealthy areas as they are least likely to tip. Trust me, once you start delivering, you won't want to go back to washing dishes.
The other good choice would be waiting tables at a large chain restaurant. Many require prior experience, but some may give you a chance. I know someone who works for The Olive Garden, and he clears $800+ a week on 35-40hrs. I would do it myself if I did not have a bad knee from a car accident 3 years ago.