Hello guys! I finally got my new headlights in but they aren't lit up yet because I forgot I still have to run my battery cable to the trunk yet and finish a few other wiring jobs. I have a few pictures but they aren't the greatest. I don't know why but most turned out like crap. The car is very dirty also from sitting around all winter so bare with me. Here are a few pics.
These headlights are not an easy bolt in. You have to cut out the center tabs on the inside of the headlight buckets in order for the rubber piece on the back of the light to fit in the hole. You also have to cut off 3 little rubber tabs on the rubber piece that holds the light bulb in the socket. If you want to use the little blue city light you also have to cut a notch on the inside of the headlight bucket so it will clear and the wires can go through to be wired up. I just took out the city lights for these photos I will cut the notch later when I wire them up the right way. Here are a few pictures showing what I mean.
I think I might blacken out the chrome around the headlights. I think that will look better. I'll have to do that when it gets warmer. Maybe someone else has these lights that are functioning right now. Maybe they can show us some pictures of the light output from these headlights. They got a be better than stock.

These headlights are not an easy bolt in. You have to cut out the center tabs on the inside of the headlight buckets in order for the rubber piece on the back of the light to fit in the hole. You also have to cut off 3 little rubber tabs on the rubber piece that holds the light bulb in the socket. If you want to use the little blue city light you also have to cut a notch on the inside of the headlight bucket so it will clear and the wires can go through to be wired up. I just took out the city lights for these photos I will cut the notch later when I wire them up the right way. Here are a few pictures showing what I mean.

I think I might blacken out the chrome around the headlights. I think that will look better. I'll have to do that when it gets warmer. Maybe someone else has these lights that are functioning right now. Maybe they can show us some pictures of the light output from these headlights. They got a be better than stock.