Upper control arm bolt replacement

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Oct 20, 2020
Possible stupid question incoming...has anyone replaced the upper control arm bolts with normal non studded bolts? Did you make a special tool to hold the bolt when loosening the nut? I realize you can disconnect the spindle but that's not really ideal. Any input is appreciated!
Possible stupid question incoming...has anyone replaced the upper control arm bolts with normal non studded bolts? Did you make a special tool to hold the bolt when loosening the nut? I realize you can disconnect the spindle but that's not really ideal. Any input is appreciated!
Why do that ? Those splined bolts are still available from GM. I bought them for my wagon and coupe.
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The splined bolts are great since they stay in place when the nuts and arm are removed. Why do you want to replace them with regular bolts?
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Bolt is part number 461854, still available from GM. Don't know for how much longer. They're getting much pricier than they used to be, which usually means they'll stop selling them within 6 months, but that's not always the case. Right now the list price is $11.91 each. But you can get all 4 for 30 bucks plus tax/shipping here:

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