Vintage plates

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Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
I just found out I can use some old license plates from the 70's on my '77 TA. I have 2 sets so I sent off the paperwork to Albany for 1 set. I have the car insured as "historical" and must adhere to all the restrictions that go with that. Too bad as I was hoping I could use some 80's plates on my Bonnewagon. I have it fully insured as a daily driver so, no go. This is NY State, I wonder what is the situation in other States?
Me and the car were made in 86. I know in FL it used to be 25 y/o before they consider a car historical and when i turned 25 they changed it to 30yrs. Me and my car haven't lived enough to be historical yet. Can you enlighten me on what restrictions there are with the historical insurance.
Bonnewagon said:
I just found out I can use some old license plates from the 70's on my '77 TA. I have 2 sets so I sent off the paperwork to Albany for 1 set. I have the car insured as "historical" and must adhere to all the restrictions that go with that. Too bad as I was hoping I could use some 80's plates on my Bonnewagon. I have it fully insured as a daily driver so, no go. This is NY State, I wonder what is the situation in other States?

Maryland and Virginia are the same as NY. There is this couple in VA that sell vintage plates for VA, MD, WVA, and NC. I lost their card, but I will be going back to the Carlise car show at the end of this month.

Found Card
eday store: partsandplates
804-883-5520 call before 9:30pm ET
I believe they also restore plates.
442_7.5ltr , I have Hagerty and the car has to be 25 years old, NOT a daily driver, garaged, must show coverage for my regular cars, limited mileage, and a good driving record. Hagerty does not equate "old" with "collectable". My '83 Bonnewagon doesn't qualify. Other companies may accept it though. Insurance card has "Historical" printed on it and the State also demanded that for the vintage plates to be used. Plates had to be originals, good shape, not repainted, and from the year of the car. In my case the orange w/blue digits plates covers '73-'86.
When I decided to go with historical plates on the monte I bought an original 1983 Ohio license plate but they told me I couldnt use it and I had to buy the generic ones. But both my grampa and my dad were able to use their "year correct" plates for some reason. Im not sure if the year matters or what but I found this odd.
Been looking into this for my '87 here in Ohio. My brother has had them on his '81for a few years now. The lady at the BMV gave him a good talking to apparently trying to scare him into not driving the car in anything but a parade. :roll:
But for the most part the car is just to be used as a pleasure vehicle and not daily transportation.
Of course they only way they could ever enforce this is if you drove by the same cop every day of the week and he finally noticed you.

Cost of the plates is a one time fee of something around $10-$20. After that there are no yearly costs.

Now I did find out that you can also get personalized historical plates. However those carry a $50 renewal fee each year. That's still cheaper than regular personalized plates which would cost the $50 specialty plate fee on top of the $40 passenger car license plate renewal.

In Ohio the historical plates are your plate so there are no originals that you need to hang on to. However I do believe if you want to run the year specific plate, they actually issue you a set of historical plates that you do have to keep in the car while you run the year specific plates.
Arizona DMV, Wants Collector Car Insurance. So no Emissions test.Over 30 years old
You also have to have a Daily driver Car.
I have the Historical Vehicle Plates. For older cars they have Horseless carriage plates
Solid Copper for The States Heritage.


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I think a lot of you guys are confusing historical plates with actual vintage plates.

Historial plates are new plates for older historical cars...vintage plates would be old original plates, commonly called year of manufacture (YOM) plates.

Some states (and old-timers) are getting pretty picky about the historical plates...even to the point that some of these antique car guys (who generally hate anything not 100% stock) are photographing "non-compliant" cars/tags and going to the state to get them revoked. Arkansas is really bad, there's a self-appointed antique "plate policeman" that has stirred the pot pretty hard.

As an aside, I have a friend with a beautiful frame-off '66 Chevelle 300 and an even more spectacular frame-off '66 Chevy II post car...both with 1966 DEALER plates! Not technically legal (YOM is, but not dealer YOM), but the cars don't get out a lot, and he hasn't been hassled yet.
In Illinois, you can run a plate from the year of the car. I'm pretty sure they don't specify WHAT state, so you could technically run a plate from any state of the same year. Since '83 was a sticker in a lot of places, you could probably run just about any plate, and just get an '83 sticker. As long as you have the AV plates and registration in the car, you're ok. Also, one of the allowed uses of a car with AV plates is for "demonstration". No matter where I go, someone says "nice car" and asks me about it. I classify this as a "demonstration".

Interestingly, I find that I get almost zero law enforcement attention when I'm driving one of my AV cars. It's almost like there's an unwritten rule to just ignore them. When I was younger and drove much milder cars, I was getting pulled over on a monthly basis, usually for no good reason. Now, I don't even run a front plate, and it's like I'm invisible.
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