In washington you can buy collector plates, no more tabs.
To use collector plates, vehicles must be:
More than 30 years old.
Capable of operating on the highway.
Owned and operated as collector vehicles.
Collector vehicles may be driven:
To and from auto shows, circuses, parades, displays, special excursions, and antique car club meetings.
For testing purposes.
For the pleasure of others without compensation.
Collector vehicles may not be used for:
Commercial purposes or to carry a load.
Regular transportation in the manner of a fully licensed vehicle.
Most don't know it here but if you can come up with year correct plates and the car is 30 years or older you can have them entered and put them on your car.. The catch here is if you go the route of vintage plates, you also do not ever need to get tabs but" you will be pulled over and hastled over not having tabs. You Will get a ticket and you can be impounded for not having tabed them in over 2 months.. Try and explain to the great men and women that we hire to protect our steets that they are mistaken and they should know the laws that they are trying to protect before pulling us over for no reason.
Well to say the least, It won't be free to prove you are in the right.
Robert ... ector.html