They were the Camrys and Accords of their day. Boring, average cars with an unengaging driving experience and conservative styling. Then, the Taurus came along and changed the rules for bland family sedans. It became the new template everyone tried to copy, and when it came to doing it better, the Japanese did it. Yes, there were both Camrys and Accords back then, but they were more like a Chevy Celebrity/Buick Century than a G car in size. This is why the G car was replaced with the GM10 platform Cutlass/ Lumina/other-boring-sh*t car in the 1988 model year. Front drive was expected because of the Taurass, and RWD died in average cars thereafter. Sadly, white middle class suburban trash (the most evil people on Earth) killed the automobile as we knew it. All that is left is the remains of a mediocre past that we modify today. When these cars are gone, there will be little left to play with as most newer cars and engines are technically complex, FWD and do not lend themselves to easy modification or swaps. The G body is nice because it was common, like the A body before it. This is why the "New" GTO/Holden Monaro/Commodore is not a real replacement. The lack of interchangeable parts with plebeian models.