First off, no one should ever condone violence whatsoever, on any level as a means to express contempt for their government.
srercrcr said:
Gee, I didn't have any idea people thought America was that bad.
Personally I've never been better, at least on the personal level.
Opportunity is still there for all, if you don't go for it, somebody else will.
I think we have a good country here. Personally I couldn't be happier, I have a great wife, son and baby on the way and I'm able to support my family doing what I love.
However, the changes that are happening are incremental, thus it can be virtually unnoticeable to someone who doesn't pay attention. The problem is, people go about their day, do their job, watch a little news at night and tune out.
Take for example the supposed suicide of DC Madam Palfrey. Right away this was reported by the media that she hung herself, left a note, end of case. Lets get real here, she was going to expose 10's of thousands on her 15 year long list of government Johns and she was murdered, along with one of her employees. Calls for an investigation are ignored.
That's only one instance in thousands... but it is indicative to the path that our current leadership has taken us down.
Our military industrial complex is monster of a machine. Lets face it, war is profit and dont think that thousands of arms released by the pentagon went missing in Iraq on accident. War is funded and instigated on both sides for many obvious reasons. The Pentagon generals report on Fox, and American listens, but rarely questions.
So what's wrong? Everyone, including the media lays blame on scapegoats instead who's really at fault. Like the Fed, who pumps up inflation, builds economic bubbles and devalues the dollar. Why are they doing this? Bailing out banks with bad loans? Is it just another setup for a historical power grab like that done in the past? If anyone is unfamiliar with the Federal Reserve and how it came to be, do some research because your taxes ultimately pay the interest on their loan to the government. You'll find out they are a privately owned entity of powerful elite that operate independently and answer to no one but themselves.
“Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws.” Baron M.A. Rothchild.