Which company should I buy from?

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Master Mechanic
Mar 7, 2010
Toledo, OH
So tomorrow im going to buy the hurst olds spoiler for my cutlass.
But im really not sure which company to go with its either lauren eng. Or gbodyparts.com
so anyone who has done any business with either companies let me know which one was better.
And if anyone knows of a better company selling reproduction or original spoilers let me knows guys
I have not dealt with either company, but I too was looking into purchasing a H/O spoiler and I think the one from lauren enginering was a lot cheaper. I know lauren makes them in house, but i think gbodyparts may use original ones. Don't quote me on that though. Hope that helps.
I haven't purchased anything from lauren eng. but I have purchased from gbodyparts. I have heard some horror stories from gbodyparts, but have had good luck myself. I will say though that gbodyparts customer service is pretty bad. I think it is just a couple that runs it. How are the price differences? I would probably just go with the cheapest.
I've dealth with gbodyparts a couple of times and it's a good site. The descriptions for the parts aren't that helpful though which is a shame indeed. Gbodyparts has been getting alot of cool new stuff like the new shifter plates and overlays, and also the GM dash bezels
well heres the prices i got from both sites
Lauren: 279.95 + 22.75 + 14.95 = 317.65
GbodyParts: 324.95 + 20.49 = 345.44
so $27.79 difference
but the prices arent what im worried about im worried about the companies
ill pay the extra for the better company
but i really dont want to if they are close enough to the same
as far as reliability and all that

so if anyone else and their opinion on these 2 companies please let me know
Only thing I noticed is that lauren has been around a little longer
I've bought parts from both and didn't have any problems.

I have heard the horror stories about gbodyparts.com but haven't run into any issues myself yet. But I've also only bought some pretty small, inexpensive stuff.

I bought a side rocker kit from Lauren and they were extremely courtious over the phone and everything arrived just fine. No problems with them at all.

Just be aware that ANY aftermarket fiberglass part you buy, more than likely WILL need some adjustments made to it to fit properly.
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