I went with Sanderson shorties because they had thick 3/8" flanges that only need RTV to seal and smaller 1 5/8" primary tubes. The passenger side went in from above. The driver's side would have, except the steering shaft was tight, might have scratched the ceramic coating. They cleared everything too. How much flow advantage do full length headers have with big dents? I saw comparision to factory 318 manifolds, terrible just like SBO manifolds to 340, 360 manifolds, shorty and full ength stepped headers. On a 300 hp 318 the HO bigger manifolds were worth 11 and 14 hp. The headers 21 hp and 28 hp, shorty and full length. Similar torque gains too. If factory HO manifolds are avialable, they may be worth it over headers on a pure street motor. The SBO only has the Thornton manifolds as an option, never seen dyno proof. A 10 hp would be max with them.